Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The purpose of "Precious Treasure" is to crochet homemade gifts for God's precious treasures.

The idea for this group came to me when I was searching for a way to use my abilities to help people and I have a special need to find ways to help babies. While I found many groups like this one I found none in my area so I decided to create one.

"Precious Treasures" creates blankets, hats, and booties for newborns(both preemies and baby's of normal weight) and burial gowns. The blankets will also be given to children of families who don't have the means of obtaining blankets of their own to take their new baby's home with.

The crafts made by this group will go directly to neonatal units and nurserys in hospitals around Southeastern Oklahoma.
My hope is to make the hospital stay, how ever long, as comfortable as possible. Both for the babies and their parents.

*****I do not claim to own ANY patterns used on this site. Unless specifically labeled*******

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